Behaviour Analysis by MMP

Clarity - £10 (Usually £40)
✔ Behaviour Analysis by Michelle Mills-Porter, an award-winning Speaker, Author, Master Behaviour Profiler

✔ Discover your strengths and most prominent qualities

✔ Understand which roles and tasks will make you shine

✔ Make sense of your relationships, professional and personal

✔ Take advantage of an exclusive 75% discount

Clarity is a behaviour profile based on the theory of DISC, and describes your most natural behaviour, the way you adapt your behaviour for certain situations and your most prominent qualities. It is designed to help you understand yourself and others better ad to communicate more effectively.

The report provides detailed insight into your behaviour and the reasons that you may either be drawn to another person or potentially clash with them. It will also explain how others may perceive you and allow you understand how to communicate with others in their “language” to build greater rapport.

Clarity is a fundamental tool for self-awareness, self-development and emotional intelligence. It can answer many of the questions about why you display the behaviour that you do and why you feel the way that you do.

Unlike other tools, Clarity by MMP aims to capture what is at the deepest level of your personality and to help you to understand why others may perceive the world differently.

To access this discounted price on Clarity, simply click the button below
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